The concept, features and structure of civil society: problems of modern development

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The article analyzes one of the most important problems of constitutional law - the problem of the formation of civil society in the Russian Federation. The authors attempt to comprehensively analyze the concepts, signs and structural elements of civil society. Special attention should be paid to the actualization of the importance and role of civil society in the process of forming a legal state structure, as well as the search for ways to overcome objective and subjective negative factors that arise along this path. The formation of civil society includes legal, political, cultural, educational, technical, social, economic and organizational aspects. The authors conclude that the problem of building a civil society in the Russian Federation consists of many factors and circumstances, such as a rather low level of legal culture, legal awareness and legal awareness, as well as the problem of respect for human rights and freedoms.


Civil society, rule of law, problems of modern development, freedoms, human rights

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129514   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2024_1_32_36

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