The notions Natura naturans and Natura naturata in Spinoza's philosophy as possible correlates of two Jewish terms for the “Nature”: t^olee / t^olaah and ea

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The author assumes that Spinoza correlated his notion Natura naturans with Hebrew term tôleḏeṯ / tôlāḏāh (var.: tôlāḏ ), i.e., according to its root, the “Nature as begetting ”; as for his notion Natura naturata, he could correlate it with the Hebrew term ṭeḇa ʿ, i.e., according to its root, the “Nature as imprint ”.

Natura naturans, natura naturata, два еврейских термина для обозначения "природы: tôleḏeṯ / tôlāḏāh и ṭeḇaʿ, spinoza, two hebrew terms for the "nature": tôleḏeṯ / tôlāḏāh and ṭeḇaʿ

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IDR: 147103459

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