Modern folklore texts as the language of everyday life

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Statement of the problem. The article is devoted to the study of modern folklore texts as the language of everyday life. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the study of value complexes of everyday life in the linguistic context and identification of the features of the use of language in everyday interaction and communication in natural conditions. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the definition of the language of everyday life and study modern folklore texts as a special case of using this language. The methods of the study were a critical analysis of literature, a comparative and contrastive method, an interpretation method, as well as methods of linguistic research: discourse analysis, interviews and participant observation. Research results. The author concludes that the interrelated study of language and culture allows us to identify the mentality of the people, individual groups and individuals. The value of the study lies in the study of speech activity and language use in the context of culture, namely, the linguistic study of the production and understanding of natural language based on modern folklore texts.


Modern folklore, modern folklore texts, family legends, everyday life, language of everyday l

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IDR: 144163230

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