Post-processor of NC system «Mayak 600T» for CAM-application

Автор: Schekin Aleksandr Vasilevich, Suldin Sergej Petrovich, Mitin Jeduard Valerevich

Журнал: Инженерные технологии и системы @vestnik-mrsu

Рубрика: Машиностроение

Статья в выпуске: 1-2, 2014 года.

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This article describes a method for post-processing, which provides an efficient opportunity of including machine cycles in NC-programs. We have considered the possibility of the automated breakdown of machining allowance to geometrical figures of machine cycles.

Cam-система, cam, компас-3d, kompas-3d, python, post-processor, machine cycle, cutting tool, visualization

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IDR: 14720300

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