Ombudsman in the field of ecology in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Автор: Aćimovska Maletić Iskra

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Articles

Статья в выпуске: 9-10 vol.25, 2008 года.

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The Ombudsman as an institution is present in many countries in the world, imposing itself as an independent, unhiased and objective mechanism for protecting citizen's rights, in the cases of maladminstration of the state bodies. Based on different criteria, the ombudsman may be classified in several types: parliamentary, executive, general authority ombudsman, special (specialized), etc. The Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia is a parliamentary ombudsman with general authority, which provides protection of the rights of the citizens in the field of ecology, among others, when are violated from particular state administration bodies. Having in mind comparative experiences and practice to establish specialized ombudsmans who protect the rights of a certain category of citizens, or protect particular citizens rights, and that lot of attention is devoted to the protection of the environment, a question is raised is there a need for specialized ombudsman in the field of ecology.


Ombudsman, Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia, types of ombudsman, ecology

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IDR: 170202789

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