Articles. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Administrative reform and the agency model of public administration
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Administrative reform in various countries is conditioned by various social, political, and economic factors. In this regard, we cannot talk about the same reasons for reform for every country. However, what is common to all cases is the crisis of state governance and the need to transform the existing system, reduce state interventionism, and increase efficiency and productivity. The terms “efficiency” and “productivity”, in the context of the state and its administrative system, take on a different quality and somewhat altered meaning compared to their usual context, as they are shaped by their connection to the public interest. The reforms implemented in the former socialist countries, however, have a different background. They are partly the result of aspirations for rapid economic progress and partly the outcome of mandatory changes required by the European Union. Without deciding which of these reasons prevail, the author will discuss the reasons that brought about the need for new models of public administration. These models aim to overcome the crisis of state governance, focusing particularly on the agency model of public administration, which, as a trend, has been widely adopted in many countries. This model of public administration has also been extensively applied in the case of administrative reform in the Republic of Serbia. Considering their role and prevalence, it can be said that this represents a unique model of public administration reform.This model of public administration has been commonly applied in the case of administrative reform in the Republic of Serbia. Considering their role and number, we can say that it is an authentic model of public administration reform.

Analysis of the application of artificial intelligence in social work teaching
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The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is inevitable, as in all other segments of modern society. Since this is a process that cannot be ignored or avoided, the focus should be on ensuring its effective implementation. This approach maximizes its benefits while minimizing the associated risks. This paper explores the perspectives of students and teaching staff on the use of AI in social work education at HE institutions in the Republic of Serbia, in which these programs are accredited. The paper is structured into three sections. Following the introduction and theoretical analysis, the second section presents the findings of empirical research conducted using a specially designed survey questionnaire targeting the mentioned groups. In the final section, the authors provide conclusions and recommendations for enhancing the application of AI in (higher) education.

Availability time and the right to compensation of vehicle crew in road transport
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The working hours of vehicle crews in road transport are regulated by a special jurisdiction – ratione personae. The Law on Working Hours of Vehicle Crews in Road Transport and Tachographs addresses the working hours of vehicle crews differently than the general labor relations framework. A significant difference is that availability time is not considered working time. During availability time, a crew member is entitled to appropriate compensation, as defined by labor regulations, specifically those governing salaries and based on availability time. In this paper, the authors, using the normative and comparative law method, examine the concept and legal nature of availability time for crew members in both domestic and comparative law, as well as the right to compensation for availability time. The authors also propose a more comprehensive regulation of the right to compensation based on availability time.

Digital evidence in criminal proceedings – challenges and solutions
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In the last decade, digital evidence in criminal proceedings has become a key tool in modern forensic investigation, with the help of which it is possible to identify, analyze and verify information that can be crucial for making a decision in court proceedings. Digital data, through the perception of various forms of electronic records, are increasingly becoming the basic evidence in criminal cases, and because of this, no distinction is made between existing material evidence and modern digital evidence. In this research, the importance of digital evidence, its advantages and challenges in collection and processing, as well as the legal and ethical aspects of its use in criminal proceedings were pointed out and indicated. The importance of the methodological approach in the forensic analysis of digital evidence was also pointed out, all in order to achieve the admissibility of digital evidence before a criminal court. The challenges and opportunities presented by this evidence are drawn throughout the research and pointed out. The hypothesis of this research is contained in its title and refers precisely to controversial issues and the legislative application of digital evidence in criminal proceedings. The aim of the work is to consider this topic by looking at the new regulation and directive that have been passed and will only be adopted in 2026, but in principle to consider the issue of digital evidence through practice because this topic remains crucial for the further development of the judicial system in the digital age. During the writing of this research, an analytical method was used in order to consider the legislation of the European Union, and make a comparison with the domestic legislation. Then, the normative method was used when considering the criminal procedure and defining digital evidence, and certainly the deductive method was also used.

Digital property – specific issues in the application of private international law rules
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Digital property emerges as a new segment of property law, while simultaneously being a consequence of the digitalization of financial intermediation and representing a form of technological innovation that substitutes payment services and investments in the banking and stock markets. Key issues that arise include the choice of governing law, internationally competent courts, and the recognition and enforcement of foreign court and arbitration decisions related to transactions in cryptocurrencies, which are the most widespread form of digital assets. This paper is designed to highlight the specific features of digital property that are important for the application of existing private international law (PIL) rules. It does not focus on a specific legal system, but rather situates the analysis within PIL as a branch of legal science with its own regulatory postulates, which are largely harmonized across legal systems. The aim of the paper is to see the scope of the possibility of applying traditional institutes of international private law to digital property as a legal and regulatory novelty that stands between property or things and rights or financial instrument. By synthesizing core issues that emerge in application of private international law rules to digital assets, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of regulatory challenges which encompass digital assets’ role in modern law and economies.

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Digitization has led to the emergence of increasingly sophisticated forms of financial fraud, necessitating more advanced and integrated approaches for their rapid detection and prevention. This challenge prompted the authors to examine relevant literature and analyze current policies and measures for detecting financial fraud within the digital environments of organizations, with the aim of enhancing proactive prevention strategies. To this end, an online empirical survey was conducted with 118 executives and managers from Serbia during the first half of 2024, supported by the Association of Employers of Serbia and the Association of Managers. The research focused on the impact of new technologies, particularly AI, on the regulations and organizational policies related to financial fraud detection. Qualitative research, which utilized 12 predefined statements within each impact group using a five-point Likert scale, provided insights into the actual experiences and perspectives of participants concerning financial fraud as a distinct business, social, and economic issue. Multiple correlation approaches were employed to analyze the data. The outcomes suggest that all analyzed factors contribute to addressing financial fraud, with new technologies – especially those based on artificial intelligence – and corporate policies and strategies playing significant roles. Conversely, regulations have a lesser impact, attributed to their correctness, implementation, and enforcement. These findings enhance the understanding of the significance of taking a comprehensive approach to combating fraud, corruption, and financial crime, and highlight the roles of continuous technological advancements, employee digital education, and enhanced communication with the public and investors in building trust and maintaining a company’s reputation.

Internal audit as one of the key factors of employee accountability in public administration
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Internal audit is one of the key mechanisms of good governance, which contributes to increased accountability, with auditors serving as specific guardians of the lawful and proper functioning of an organization. The goal of establishing internal audit is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s operations. This paper presents the research findings on the most common irregularities in the work of internal auditors within the public sector. The paper aims to identify the most frequent types of irregularities in the work of internal auditors and highlight the importance of establishing internal audit in public administration as one of the key factors of accountability and proper organizational functioning.

Krivično-pravna zaštita polnog integriteta djece i maloljetnika u Republici Srpskoj
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Zakonodavna regulativa polnih delikata u savremenim krivičnim zakonodavstvima je, posljednjih nekoliko decenija, doživjela velike promjene. Moderna koncepcija zakonske regulative polazi od stava da je čovjekova seksualnost dio njegove intime u koju država ne treba da zadire normama krivičnog prava, pa čak i onda kada se radi o polno inverzivnom ponašanju, osim ako ga ne prati nasilje ili različiti oblici zloupotrebe.1 Navedeno stanovište koje se čini potpuno legitimnim kada su u pitanju odrasla lica, zadobija sasvim druge dimenzije ako je riječ o mladim licima, pogotovo ako su u pitanju djeca. U tom smislu je u savremenom krivičnom pravu evidentna sasvim suprotna tendencija, koja podrazumijeva širenje i jačanje krivično-pravne zaštite polnog integriteta djece i mladih lica. Seksualno zlostavljanje djece kao da je u posljednjih nekoliko godina ušlo u fazu nekontrolisane ekspanzije. Riječ je o alarmantnom problemu u kojem su glavni stradalnici upravo djeca. Brojni su međunarodni globalni i regionalni dokumenti kojima se, između ostalog, štiti i elementarno pravo djeteta od izloženosti pojedinim oblicima nasilja (pa tako i seksualnog iskorištavanja). Krivičnopravna regulativa, u Republici Srpskoj, sadrži inkriminacije kojima se, u prvom redu, želi obezbijediti pojačana zaštita polnog integriteta djece i mladih lica, a to su: polno nasilje nad djetetom, zadovoljenje polnih strasti pred drugim, trgovina ljudima radi vršenja prostitucije, iskorišćavanje djece i maloljetnih lica za pornografiju i proizvodnja i prikazivanje dječije pornografije.

Legalizacija marihuane - naučne, pravne i etičke dileme
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Uprkos činjenici da ima svoju primenu kako u industriji tako i u medicini, upravo zbog svog psihoaktivnog svojstva kanabis je u većini svetskih zemalja na listi zabranjenih supstanci, te je shodno tome njegovo uzgajanje i korišćenje zakonski kažnjivo. Prema podacima navedenim u Svetskom izvještaju o drogama za 2016. godinu, izrađenom od strane Kancelarije UN za drogu i kriminal, kanabis predstavlja vodeću ilegalnu supstancu na svetu što se tiče gajenja, proizvodnje, preprodaje i broja korisnika. Imajući u vidu različite stavove po pitanju upotrebe, dejstva, i uopšte legaliteta i legitimiteta korišćenja kanabisa, kao i to da su reakcije na marihuanu individualne, u radu su analizirane naučne, pravne i etičke dileme u ovoj oblasti. Ne dajući primat ni stavu za, ni stavu protiv legalizacije marihuane, nedvosmisleno treba podržati stav da zabrana nečeg (u ovom slučaju marihuane), što je ilegalno već dugo vremena široko u upotrebi, povlači za sobom niz loših efekata, koji bi se verovatno uspešno preventirali kontrolisanom legalizovanom upotrebom, odnosno konzumacijom.

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While not a novel phenomenon, online platforms have gained significant economic and societal importance over the past decade, and the public discourse around their responsibilities and liabilities has reached an exceptional level. Online platforms significantly contribute to facilitating the exchange and access to information, enabling the widespread distribution of all types of content, regardless of their legality. The regulation of content on online platforms undoubtedly impacts the protection of human rights, particularly freedom of expression, which has led the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to establish important criteria through its jurisprudence. To understand the implications of the ECtHR’s case law, it is important to briefly present the concept of platform liability within the European legal framework, which is outlined in the opening section of the paper. In the subsequent part, the authors analyze the relevant ECtHR jurisprudence. The aim of the paper is to clarify the main standards of the ECtHR’s approach to the human rights implications of online platforms’ liability for content moderation, while also potentially highlighting their limitations.

Novi koncept usvojenja prema Zakonu o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o porodici Republike Makedonije

Novi sustav pravnih lijekova u Ovršnom (izvršnom) zakonu R. Hrvatske
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U radu autor obrađuje novi sistem pravnih lekova u hrvatskom građanskom ovršnom (izvršnom) postupku. Posle uvodnih napomena, obrađuju se pravni lekovi protiv odluke javnog ovršitelja (izvršitelja), u okviru čega se posebna pažnja posvećuje: a) žalbi protiv ovršnog naloga, b) žalbi nakon proteka roka, c) odgovor na žalbu, d) odlukama suda o žalbi i e) nepravilnostima u provođenju ovrhe (izvršenja). Nakon toga obrađuju se pravni lekovi protiv odluke javnog beležnika, a u okviru te celine: a) žalba protiv rješenja o ovrsi na temelju vjerodostojne isprave i b) žalba protiv rješenja o ovrsi u delu u kojem se ovršeniku nalaže da namiri tražbinu. Posebna pažnja se posvećuje ovrhi (izvršenju) pred sudom i prigovoru treće osobe, da bi se određena pažnja posvetila i pitanju odgode ovrhe (izvršenja).

Pojam 'preduzeća' u pravu Slovačke Republike
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Ekonomisti i pravnici vode stručne rasprave o tome, šta je u stvari preduzeće. Ove diskusije ukazuju da među njima postoji različito shvatanje ovog pojma, naročito onda ako se u diskusiji precenjuje ekonomska ili pravna strana. Problem je kako optimalno odrediti ovaj pojam (i pojmove s njim povezane) u zakonu. A to će biti moguće samo onda, ako ekonomisti precizno formulišu njegovu sadržinu a pravnici ovom pojmu odrede preciznu formu i kada će se ovako kreiran pojam nedvosmisleno upotrebljavati u Trgovinskom zakoniku i propisima koji se na njega nadovezuju (računovodstveni, poreski propisi). Sa pravnog aspekta interesantna je diskusija o tome, da li je preduzeće samo objekt ili je i subjekt pravnih odnosa. Mislim da u redovnoj privrednoj delatnosti (npr. zaključivanje ugovora robnog prometa), preduzeće je subjekt pravnih odnosa. Ukoliko se raspolaže sa samim preduzećem (npr. prodaja preduzeća), onda je ono objekt ovih pravnih odnosa, a u prvi plan dolazi vlasnički kriterijum.

Postupanje Narodnog pravobranioca Republike Makedonije (ombudsmana) u oblasti ekologije
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Institucija ombudsmana je prisutna u mnogim zemljama u svetu, kao nezavistan, nepristrasan i objektivan kontrolni mehanizam za zaštitu prava građana u slučaju kada su ona povređena od strane nekog državnog organa. Postoji više vrsta ombudsmana koji se osnivaju na osnovu različitih kriterijuma: parlamentarni, izvršni, ombudsman opšte nadležnosti, specijalni ombudsman itd. Narodni pravobranilac (ombudsman) u Republici Makedoniji je parlamentarni ombudsman opšte nadležnosti, koji štiti prava svih građana između ostalog i u oblasti ekologije, u slučaju kada su ista povređena od strane organa državne uprave i od strane drugih organa i organizacija koje imaju javna ovlašćenja. Polazeći od komparativnih iskustava, u nastojanju da se osnuje specijalizovani ombudsman koji štiti prava određene kategorije građana ili određena prava građana a imajući u vidu i činjenicu da u toj oblasti do sada nije napravljen dovoljno jak sistem zaštite građanskih prava, kao i da se danas sve više javlja potreba da se više pažnje posveti pitanjima zaštite životne sredine, nameće se potreba za osnivanjem i specijalizovanog ombudsmana u oblasti ekologije.

Prescription of the criminal offense in the law
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The prescription of a criminal offense in the law is one of the constitutive elements of a criminal offense. In addition to being legally justified, this element represents a logical method of incriminating specific behavior as a criminal offense. It legally embodies the well-known Latin legal saying nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege, which in translation means there is no crime or punishment without the law. The necessity of prescribing a criminal offense in the law is rooted in legal certainty, which is unattainable without prior knowledge and a clear distinction between permissible and prohibited (incriminated) behavior. Although it has a distant origin, the prescription of a criminal offense in law has often become a convenient tool for political manipulation, particularly through the criminalization of verbal delicts or other offenses against the people and the state. Stricto sensu, authoritarian regimes have applied this principle to secure the appearance of legitimacy and legality for their rule. Consequently, it is essential to examine the prescription of criminal offenses in the law from the perspective of our legislator.

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Na osnovu svega gore navedenog, možemo zaključiti da principi medijacije i njihovo poštovanje u velikoj meri zavise od same ličnosti medijatora, budući da ih on primenjuje u toku celog postupka rešavanja spora u zavisnosti od njegove umešnosti i slobode. Sledstveno tome neophodno je da zakonodavac, sledeći stanje na terenu permanentno interveniše u cilju određivanja sankcija, odnosno da ih propiše tamo gde su one zaista i neophodne. Posebno pažnja treba da se posveti sankcijama koje bi se preduzele protiv medijatora koji ne poštuje principe poverljivosti, neutralnosti i nepristrasnosti, koji se smatraju vodećim pravilima i daju opis njegovog ponašanja u toku posredovanja. Polazeći od nomotehničkog aspekta principi medijacije u velikom broju država uređeni su u okviru posebnog dela Zakona o medijaciji. Ovo s jedne strane daje mogućnost za veću preglednost principa iako to ne znači i veću jasnost i razumljivost, a sa druge strane pak potencira njihov značaj za postupak medijacije. U svakom slučaju neophodno je da su ovi principi definisani na jasan način kako bi mogao i običan građanin sa prosečnim poznavanjem prava da shvati suštinu ovog servisa i njegove prednosti. Pored gore navedenog načina, u okviru nekih država, u kojima ovaj "servis Građana" postoji već duže vreme, principi medijacije nisu posebno definisani već čine sastavni deo samog zakonskog teksta.