Increasing productivity and grain quality of spring wheat in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia

Автор: Yushkevich L.V., Yushchenko D.N., Shchitov A.G., Kashinskaya S.P.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2023 года.

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The purpose of the study is to identify the potential productivity of multi-level agricultural technologies of spring wheat in the Southern forest-steppe soil-climatic zone of Western Siberia. In a long-term stationary crop rotation on chernozem soils, a comparative assessment of predecessors, chemicalization agents, and soil cultivation on the productivity and technological properties of spring wheat grain was carried out. Agricultural technology is zonal. Fertilizers (N24P36 per 1 ha of arable land) and pesticides were applied at the recommended times and rates. Spring wheat varieties Pamyati Azieva, Omskaya-36 were sown on May 18-25 with a seeding rate of 5.0 million viable seeds per 1 hectare in the fallow, 4.0-4.5 million for the 2nd-3rd crop using a SZ-3.6 seeder since 2012 by Selford PC, which ensures a more uniform seed distribution. Harvesting is Single-phase by CAMPO-500. Replication is 4 times. The soil is meadow-chernozem, medium-alkaline, heavy loamy with a humus content of 7-8 %. Weather conditions over the years of the study were relatively dry (31 % of years), HTC - 1.01, with a norm of 1.10. The crop yield in repeated sowings, depending on the agricultural technology of cultivation, decreases from 2.82 to 1.73 t/ha, or 1.6 times. Depending on the predecessor, intensive cultivation technology ensures an increase in grain yield by 1.39-1.90 t/ha (1.9-2.3 times) relative to extensive. Resource-saving combined tillage in grain-fallow crop rotation increases grain yield by 0.17-0.25 t/ha (9-15 %). The effectiveness of chemicalization agents according to the share of their contribution to increasing the grain yield of spring wheat is located in ascending order: herbicides - 12 %; fertilizers - 19; fertilizers + herbicides - 31; fungicides - 36 %. Complex chemicalization increases the weight of 1000 grains to 35.1-36.1 g; full weight - up to 750-762 g/l; glassiness, gluten content - up to 26.4-29.4 %. The content of heavy metals in soil and grain was 1.4-4.2 times less than the maximum permissible concentration; no pesticides were detected.


Crop rotation, spring wheat, predecessor, level of agricultural technologies, tillage, productivity, grain yield per 1 hectare of arable land, grain quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304253   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2023-11-73-79

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