Power engineering of the tangential supply device of the microturbine of the thermal control system of a promising spacecraft

Автор: Yu.N. Shevchenko, A.A. Kishkin, A.A. Zuev, A.V. Delkov, D.A. Zhuikov

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.25, 2024 года.

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This paper presents an overview of the current technical problem related to two-phase spacecraft thermal control systems and possible technical applications of thermal energy recovery in the organic Rankine cycle as an integral part of thermal management systems. The design solution involves the integration of a steam microturbine behind an evaporator radiator. The microturbine is a tangential supply device and a radially centripetal impeller of low speed nst<40. In this area, there is no reliable data on the design and energy of both the supply device and the impeller. The energy (loss of enthalpy) of the supply device mainly determines the transport of the swirling flow to the impeller and, as a result, the circumferential operation on the turbine. A prototype of a radial microturbine has been developed and presented in order to evaluate the design of the flow part of both the supply device and the impeller. As a result of the analysis, the main determining hydrodynamic areas necessary for hydrodynamic analysis and mathematical elaboration of the flow calculation algorithm with an assessment of energy losses are identified: the flow of a swirling flow of a radial-annular slit; axial-annular slit and tangential supply device. The first two algorithms assume computational modeling, the model of energy losses in a tangential supply device is not amenable to analytical modeling because it includes a sequence (or compatibility) of flows under boundary conditions defined as “local resistances”: the sudden expansion, reversal of the flow, together with a section of radially circumferential flow, the mutual influence of these boundary conditions assumes only an expe rimental assessment of energy losses in a tangential supply device through the loss coefficient of local resistance in the range of changes in geometric and operating parameters. As a result of experimental studies, a database has been proposed on the loss coefficient of tangential microturbine supply devices in the field of the practical range of the existence of operating and design parameters.


Jet turbines, centrifugal turbines, total energy loss coefficient, tangential supply devices, impeller, circumferential turbine operation, Rankine cycle, low-boiling working fluid

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329729

IDR: 148329729   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-1-126-142

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