The Finno-Ugrs' positive vital strategies of the cultural heritage

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Today a new judgement of the cultural heritage and its returning in the cultural turn is essential ethnic and cultural heritage of the Mordvinians in contemporary sociocultural area. Nowadays the attempts to define the role of tradition in contemporary culture and to combine tradition and innovation are being made. The example of similar trends is ethnic futurism, which is the original form of expression of regional self-consciousness, one of the tendencies in contemporary art, which is connected with the national foreculture. The birth of ethnic futurism in the art of the Mordvinians is the demonstration of general tendencies in the development of culture in the end of the 20th century. At the same time, it is the part of the cultural and art processes in the Ugro-Finnic world. The contradictory intersection of ethnic, traditionalist, antiglobalistic and ideological discourses takes place in it.


Ethnofuturism, preservation of national cultures, ethnic and cultural heritage of the finno-ugrs

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IDR: 170179362

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