Practical research of university-business cooperation in Russia and the emcosu countries

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The successful cooperation between universities and business is becoming increasingly important in conditions of modern development, characterized by rapid knowledge obsolescence, an increasing level of products and services innovation, globalization of the economy. A state that promotes networking between business, universities and government structures gets a competitive advantage by rapidly transferring new knowledge created with the introduction of innovative products. Companies and research organizations increase their chances of developing more quickly and efficiently, taking advantage of new opportunities. In addition, there are a number of universities that became drivers of strategic development of regions due to their role as key providers of innovation in the knowledge economy and maintaining communication with industry. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis and identification of the most successful forms of university-business cooperation in Russia and European countries as a basis for the formation of promising areas of further development. The research is based on a survey of companies conducted in EMCOSU countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Spain) with the participation of Russia in late 2014 within the framework of a consortium of universities, as well as in other European countries. The study revealed that there are both general forms and approaches, and the features of cooperation. «Drivers» and barriers of interaction between universities and business for different countries were identified. The results of the research show promising directions for the university-business cooperation development in Russia and other developing countries.


Universities, employers, collaboration, employers' survey, drivers, barriers

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227242

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