X-rays referral in an emergency department

Автор: Gazzaz Zohair Jamil, Dhafar Khalid Obeid, Sindy Abdul Fatah, Farooq Mian Usman, Mian Shakeel Ahmad

Журнал: Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал @ssmj

Рубрика: Клиническая лабораторная диагностика

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.6, 2010 года.

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this study highlighted referral rate forx-rays with positive findings in anemergency department of a tertiary carehospital in Makkah, Saudiarabia.this was a retrospective review ofemergency department(eD) cards/files of patients visited (eD) ofalnoor Special-ist hospital, Makkah, Saudiarabia, during the month ofapril, 2006g.the total of 660 (22%) out of 2980eD patients were included in the study and 1472x-rays of different regions weredone for them. Majority 288 (43.3%) were below 24yrs of age while males 372 (56.3%) and Saudis 400 (60%) were pre-dominant.the discharged patients were 572 (86.6%), and 4(0.6%) were died. Six hundred and twenty (93.9%) patientsgot exposures rang of 1-4 while only four (0.6%) got more than eight exposures to x-rays. It was found that lower limbwas exposed 384 times (26%), followed by chest 320 (21.7%).overall 240 (16.3%)x-rays had positive findings withmajority of upper limb 60 (50%) followed by chest 72 (22.5%). Pelvis & perineum had no positivex-ray. Patients frominjury & poisoning were predominant 224 (33.9%) followed by respiratory disorders 104 (15.7%).eighty four percentx-rays had no positive findings. Majority ofx-rays were done for lower limb.neck, pelvis &perineum x-rays had no positive findings.


X-ray, radiology, emergency, makkah

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14917139

IDR: 14917139

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