Implementation of learning management systems: distant learning technologies as teachers’aid

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The article is a case and looks into the experience of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev in the field of organizing network electronic educational environment based on LMS Blackboard and LMS MOODLE and developing electronic university services for implementing higher education and supplementary vocational education programs. The main aim of the article is to demonstrate the experience of using distance technologies for teaching the skills of working with LMS Blackboard and legal norms of labor and fire security to university lecturers. The article reviews peculiarities of social and informational space in which educational services are implemented nowadays and the new ways of communication and information interaction created by the new environment. Benefits of main university processes based on distance learning technologies are presented. The authors point out the challenges of organizing distance learning, in particular, lack of lecturers, capable fusing distance learning technologies in the teaching process professionally, technically and psychologically. Distance learning peculiarities for university lecturer are described. The structure of electronic informational and educational environment of KNRTU-KAI and open model of academic knowledge as a result of using network information technologies are presented. Conducted research gives reasons for conclusions on the need for changing the idea of educational services delivery due to accumulating and transforming the set of academic knowledge, economic benefits, interaction between users and network educational environment. In order to organize student - centered learning it is necessary to implement a set of tasks of electronic educational and informational environment formulated by the author. The value of the article is in describing practical recommendations on implementing electronic educational resources in the context of open academic knowledge concept, popularization of DLT among university lecturers and employees. The article is of interest to the practitioners of university academic knowledge informatization and researchers in the field of knowledge management in higher education. In future researchers will be able to perform more detailed empiric work on creating electronic learning systems within the framework of academic knowledge open model on the basis of network information technologies.


University, educational service, electronic university, distance learning, electronic educational resource, competitiveness

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227074

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