The prisoner's right to communicate with the outside world

Автор: Kovačević Milica

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 4-6 vol.28, 2011 года.

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The prisoner's right to communicate with the outside world is guaranteed by the international documents, and also by the Serbian legal system. By keeping in touch with the outside world prisoner improves his ability to reintegrate into the society. While being in the custody, prisoner has to endure a number of deprivations, which could be easier to overcome with maintaining informed about everything that goes on in the free world and with having his family around to provide him support. In the article, the author has tried to analyze international legal framework on this subject, in order to see how well are the Serbian regulations adjusted to it.


Contact, prisoners rights, deprivation, reintegration

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