Legal relations of security in the operational-search activities of the police

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The category of “security” is a cross-cutting one for all branches of Russian law, permeating lawmaking, the activities of executive and judicial authorities, civil society institutions and individual citizens. Being embedded in the system of principles and functions of the state, this category determines the main directions of the country’s policy, sets the tasks of its development for the coming decades. National security is a subjective assessment by an individual, society and the state of the status of satisfaction of the vital needs of the multinational people of the Russian Federation in self-preservation, self-maintenance and self-reproduction, which ensures: the preservation of its past (history, cultural heritage, spiritual values, etc.), independent and sovereign functioning in the present and sustainable development in the future. This assessment should be based on objective data obtained by means of state control (supervision), including in the form of operational-search activities, on dangerous properties and conditions, both of the multinational people of Russia and of the natural and anthropogenic objects surrounding it.


National security, operational-search activity, public security, crime prevention and control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143178864   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2022.89.43.012

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