Orthodox canonical music as a phenomenon of Russian culture: the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century

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The article is devoted to the Orthodox musical culture in the context of the new paradigm of the 21st century: globalization, gluts of information landscape, the secularization of the spiritual culture. Contemporary church culture has faced at the current stage with acute problems of secularization of culture throughout the 18-19th centuries. Lifting problems of a tipologization of orthodox musical culture, the author of article shows advantages of semantic approach in the study of Orthodox musical culture as a self-developing system, which has its own mechanisms of restoration of semantic order: eternally new ascension to the Prototype, the reflection of the transcendental reality, the timelessness, the primacy of text over music, the canonical principles of working with the material. As the most progressive direction the author identifies the contemporary canonical musical culture presented by creativity of the deacon Sergiy Trubachev, G.N. Lapayev, the hierodeacon Herman Ryabtsev, G.B. Pechenkin, V.B. Dovgan and others.


A semantic approach to a research of orthodox musical culture, the restoration of semantic order, canonical musical culture, musical and intonational foundation of national culture, self-defense mechanisms of culture, the relevance of the semantic approach


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160774

IDR: 144160774

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