Legal regulation of staffing in internal affairs bodies

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The article is devoted to the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to the staffing in internal affairs bodies, their selection and training. It analyzes the normative legal acts that regulate the selection of candidates to serve in the bodies of internal affairs. Implementing the functions of personnel selection for the service in internal affairs bodies, personnel officers are guided by the Federal Law “On service in the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation” and a number of other normative legal acts. Thus, the mentioned law clearly states that labor laws apply to officers of internal affairs bodies only to the extent to which these issues are not regulated by the specific legislation. Legislative and other normative legal acts constitute the legal basis for the selection of personnel and manning of internal affairs bodies, which include a number of both substantive and procedural norms, however, the specification of statutory rules of law, the organization of their implementation is carried out through the issuance of subordinate normative legal acts by the authorized bodies of the executive power, first of all, the federal executive authority in the field of internal affairs that currently is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Personnel selection, internal affairs bodies, officers of the internal affairs bodies

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IDR: 142233797

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