Legal content of bankruptcy of citizens

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A review of approaches to the content of bankruptcy of citizens presented in the scientific literature. Based on the assessment of various approaches, the conclusion was drawn about the closest interconnection of the content of a citizen’s bankruptcy with the termination of certain types of obligations, since a citizen’s bankruptcy as a whole is intended to fulfill the interests of its creditors, but in some respects it is impossible to terminate obligations. It is substantiated that in a relationship close to economic, the legal content of a citizen’s bankruptcy should be considered in conjunction with the consequences of an organization’s bankruptcy. The main restrictions are related to the right to use credit and participate in the management of financial institutions. Since a number of obligations are connected with the identity of a citizen, the lights do not stop in the event of bankruptcy, which determines the difference between a citizen’s bankruptcy and a bankruptcy of organizations


Bankruptcy of citizens, bankruptcy procedures, legal capacity, economic relations connected with the personality of a citizen's obligations, legal content of bankruptcy, interests of creditors

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IDR: 170186528   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11430

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