Legal education of the Russian youth at the current stage

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Using the example of young Russians, the article examines the state and problems of legal education and proposes practical solutions. The article gives a scientific definition of legal education, reveals the aspects of its relationship with legal culture and legal consciousness. The author argues that the young people are the key focus of legal education, which should be carried out throughout the life of the individual, including the processes of active self-education. Defects in the legal consciousness and legal culture of young Russians are highlighted. Based on the results of a survey of 22 secondary and higher school teachers, it was revealed that the majority of teachers and lecturers believe that legal education is not given enough attention at schools, colleges and universities in Russia. The low level of legal culture of students is explained by the lack of time in lessons, the shortage of qualified teachers and the lack of accessible information about laws and rules of conduct. To improve the situation, survey participants propose increasing the number of hours for legal education, raising teachers’ qualifications, and creating accessible sources of information on laws and rules of conduct. Among the methods and approaches to legal education, the teachers and lectures consider the most effective learning through games and simulations, the use of practical tasks and an individual approach to each student. Practical solutions for the development of legal education of young Russians are proposed, priority attention is paid to technologies for the mass involvement of youth in the processes of legal education, as well as aspects of digitalization of the educational process.


Legal education, russian youth, legal culture, digitalization of legal education, mass legal education, legal awareness

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IDR: 148328296   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.143

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