Legal errors that should be avoided in housing transactions: provisions of civil law

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The legal regulation of real estate transactions is of great importance to ensure the legality and security of such transactions. In this article, we will consider some typical legal mistakes that should be avoided in housing transactions, such as: failure to comply with formalities when concluding a purchase and sale agreement. According to the Civil Code, a real estate purchase and sale agreement must be concluded in writing. Inattentive examination of documents for a real estate object. Incorrect assessment of the market value of housing. Underestimating or overpaying for housing can lead to undue financial losses. To avoid legal mistakes, you should follow all the necessary formalities when concluding a contract, carefully study the documents for the property, learn about the mortgage history, correctly assess the market value of housing and contact a reliable and competent notary.


Housing transactions, legal regulation, purchase and sale, property, rent

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IDR: 170203208   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-197-201

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