Legal grounds for penetration into a dwelling of the national guard troops

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Introduction: due to the fact that the legislation regulating the activities of the National Guard troops is at the stage of formation and development, and the provisions of the current legislation require clarification, the topic of the credentials of the National Guard of the Russian Federation is relevant today, it requires research and discussion. The author analyzes penetration into the dwelling of citizens by the National Guard. Materials and Methods: the research is based on traditional methods of cognition of objective reality. Priority is given to methods of cognition that allowed us to consider the subject of research in dynamics and in a system with other phenomena and institutions. Author uses comparative-legal, formal-logical and logical- analysis methods. The legal base of the research is the current Russian legislation, the theoretical base of the research is the scientific issues related to the research topic. Results: the author presents a model of legal penetration into a dwelling by soldier of the National Guard troops, and also formulates an actual definition of the concept of «inspection of dwelling». Discussion and Conclusions: the article analyzes the provisions of legislative acts regarding the right of National Guard of the Russian Federationtroops to enter a dwelling against the will of the persons living in it, lists the circumstances under which entry into the dwelling is necessary, and formulates the author's legal concept of «inspection of dwelling».


National guard troops, law enforcement agencies, right to inviolability of dwelling, penetration into dwelling, legality

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IDR: 142225415   |   DOI: 10.37973/KUI.2020.13.91.006

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