Legal basis for ensuring infectious safety in correctional institutions(on the example of Russia and Mongolia)

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The research paper investigates the features of medical support in penitentiary institutions in Russia and Mongolia. The current state of infectious safety in places of deprivation of liberty is analyzed and an attention paid to diseases most common among convicts (tuberculosis, HIV infection, psychological disorder, abuse of narcotics, alcohol dependence etc.). The causes which promotes the spread of infection diseases are determined. The article also deals with issues surrounding realization of international standards in correctional facility activi ties. An individual emphasis is given to the legal regulation of mandatory testing for the detection of HIV infection. The Authors analyze disputed issues arising in the activities of health and prophylactic facilities and health and penitentiary facilities concerning the content of certain categories of convicts and granting lengthy visits. Measures aimed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases are proposed. Suggestions are also made in order to improve the Russian and Mongolian penitentiary legislation.


Right to health, convicts, health and prophylactic facility, infectious disease, medical support, international legal standards

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14317857   |   DOI: 10.19073/2306-1340-2017-14-3-56-62

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