Evil spirits as viewed by the Tuvans

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Purpose. The article is devoted to the classification of demonological images in the views of the Tuvans based on the materials gathered during field studies. The mythology associated with evil spirits is subject to transformation. It is a dynamic, ever-changing process. Therefore, the publication of new field materials on this topic will help to clarify the existing ideas about the mythology of the Tuvan ethnos and its evolution. Results. The work gives a general description of evil spirits and their habitats, as well as functional and semantic char-acteristics, which are reflected in ritual practices and popular knowledge. For the Tuvans, most places inhabited by evil spirits are ambivalent, that is, sacred and forbidden at the same time, as well as transboundary. The results of our studies show that certain places are considered by the Tuvans as sacred due to their ideas about the strength of the earth itself, as well as their beliefs about the existence of spirit masters of the area. Conclusion. In general, the study revealed common and specific features in the anthropology of space, its development, taking into account the management of the economy and the traditional way of life of the Tuvans.


Tuva, tuvans, mythology, evil spirits, rite, aza, chetkher, albys, shulbus, diiren, sunesin

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220407

IDR: 147220407   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-3-134-146

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