The conversion of electron beams energy in electric power

Автор: Trifanov V.I., Oborina L.I., Sukhanova O.A., Trifanov I.V., Ryzhov D.R.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Технологические процессы и материалы

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.18, 2017 года.

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Nowadays on the front burner there a problem of the conversion of energy of electron beams emitted, for example, from the plasma core products of fuel combustion electric rocket engine (ERD) in the electric power. The solution to this problem by developing a generator of electric current in the plasma flow can improve the energy efficiency of the ERD at the expense of energy use concentrated beams of electrons emitted from the plasma core products of combus- tion of fuel to produce electrical energy and voltage electric field, which in turn can be used to disperse the ionized stream of products of combustion. The resulting electricity is also advisable to apply for allocation from the plasma core under the influence of an electric field in a transverse magnetic field, beams of positively charged ions, which allows obtaining high-speed flowing plasma jet at the nozzle exit. This approach gives the possibility to significantly increase the specific impulse of electric propulsion and also efficiency of the spacecraft due to the high velocity of the working fluid reaching 10-300 km/s. The important role for the efficient energy conversion of charged particles in the plasma electric power plays the development of methods of energy recovery by applying Graffenstaden composite mate- rials with high conductivity, electrical capacity, durability and low gas permeability for the manufacture of conductive electrodes of the generator of electric current in the plasma flow. In addition to creating generators improving the per- formance characteristics of the electrolytes, which are superionic conductors, is required that can be extensively applied for the production of capacitive energy storage devices to operate effectively at a temperature of 150-300 ºC, including in terms of exposure to the space environment. As promising electrolytes can be used a polymeric solid elec- trolytes based on lithium nitride rubidium and others. However, the development of power generators to increase en- ergy efficiency ERD requires research methods of manufacturing individual components as well as schemes promising ERD for the effective transmission of electrical (electromagnetic) energy into kinetic energy of the accelerated working fluid. It is important to study the possibility of using energy as the ionized combustion products of fuel and energy of charged particles near the plasma to produce electricity with high efficiency by using generators of electric current in the plasma flow to increase the energy characteristics of the ERD.


Generator of electric current, plasma flow, energy efficiency erd, electricity, solid electrolyte, supercapacitor, electric double layer, graphene, nanotubes

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IDR: 148177717

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