Overcoming stereotypes in the organization and conduct of the teachers’ council at a college: non-standard approach and efficiency

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Teaching Council is an essential element of the overall management structure of the educational organization. However, the quality of its training has a series of problems associated with the stereotypical perception of the teachers’ council as the monological narrative about various aspects of life educational organization. The article is an example of the preparation and conduct of the teachers’ council in the form of a business game, ensuring the active involvement of all members of the teaching staff. We characterize the phases of training the teachers’ council. The proposed form of the business game involves consideration of the issues from the standpoint of all participants in the educational process: the administration, the teaching staff, students, parents. Teaching Council, held in precarious, atypical form provides a multifaceted examination of the issues raised, promotes the development of an optimal strategy in the development of the educational organization


Educational organization, pedagogical council, pedagogical council function, role play, teaching staff, participants in the educational process, discussion, the active role of the teacher

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14239972

IDR: 14239972   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2015-2-115-124

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