Crime in Italy: features, forms of manifestation

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Italy is considered one of the most attractive countries in the world. Attractive for tourists, it is officially recognized by UNESCO as containing 60% of the world's art treasures. The more surprising is the fact that this country cannot state that it has overcome such a negative social phenomenon as crime. Moreover, in Italy it is possible to observe very specific features of organized illegal activities, for example, its territorial “linkage” to a particular region, the existence of various large criminal groups. Nevertheless, recently in Italy significant progress has been made in combating crime. The law enforcement structures of this state quite clearly coordinate efforts to find and catch the most dangerous criminals. In this country, for many years now, there has been a program to protect witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, which makes it possible to ensure their full security. All this indicates the need to carefully study the experience of the activities of foreign law enforcement agencies, including Italy.


Sicilian mafia, neapolitan "businessmen", cosa nostra, law enforcement agencies, police, carabineers

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