Public alms councils and public health in Russia (the end of 1700's. mid 1800's)

Автор: Smirnova Elena M.

Журнал: Новый исторический вестник @nivestnik

Рубрика: Статьи

Статья в выпуске: 30, 2011 года.

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On the basis of the archival sources and the official documents the article studies the role of the Public Alms Councils in the development of public health in Russia in the end of 1700.s. mid 1800.s. The investigation is focused on the Public Alms Councils activities and in particular on the place the above activities occupied in the organization of the medical aid to the population (mainly Yaroslavl province is taken as an example). The competence and responsibility limits in hospital management have also been studied. It is concluded the Public Alms Councils were functioning under the strict supervision of Ministry of Home Affairs, the mainstream of their activities was conducted in the financial sphere and the role in the organization of hospital business had been limited to the solution of the financial and administrative-and-household issues.


Public alms council, ministry of the interior, public health, hospital business, administrative-and-household management, yaroslavl province

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14913611

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