Application of bioenergetic parameterization in identification of breeding bulls breeds

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Large-scale breeding carried out using the Holstein breed of cattle has led to the emergence of a population of animals with certain characteristics that distinguish them from the original species. Taking into account the breeding region, exterior, interior parameters and productive qualities, a number of inbreed types have been created that have a number of qualities that are necessary for breeding, corresponding to the breed standard. In the practice of animal breeding, selection and selection are carried out according to breed affiliation traditionally on the basis of pedigree information and phenotypic characteristics, which does not always give complete and reliable information about the belonging of animals to a particular breed or breed group. The aim of the study was to study the possibility of using bioenergetic parametrization of the PLBAC to confirm the breed affiliation of cattle. The studies were conducted on breeding bulls aged from 2 to 4 years. PLBATS No. 5,7,11,41,44 were selected for research. Bulls of the Simmental breed had the highest level of biopotential of swimmers- 85.25 mkA, which significantly exceeded the indicators of the level of biopotential of swimmers of bulls-producers of black-and-white and Holstein breeds. Bulls - producers of the black-mottled breed have a higher level of biopotential of the PLBAC, averaging 71.7 mica, which significantly exceeded the indicators of bulls- producers of the Holstein black-mottled breed by 11.1% (P function show_eabstract() { $('#eabstract1').hide(); $('#eabstract2').show(); $('#eabstract_expand').hide(); }


Bulls producers, breeds, origin, bioenergetic parameterization

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IDR: 147241372

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