Application of biological pesticide in technology for growing tomato under cover

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Currently, the food security in the Russian Federation can be provided only with the steady development of the agricultural production. Vegetable growing in the area under cover is a developing and effective direction of agriculture, which is of great importance for providing the population with vegetables, valuable vitamins and minerals. The ecological safety of technologies provides application of the protective measures which are not only safe for a person and environment, but also play a role of nature protection factors. The economic rationale of the system is defined by its efficiency and recoupment. In the article the results of the research studying the effects of biologies on ecologically safe growth regulators resistance of tomato plants to stress factors of the summer period and yield are given. The object of the study is the tomato variety Sanka and Heartthrob and growth stimulators. The results of the system tests showed that their application provided the saving of pesticides 1.0-1.5 times, the increase in protection efficiency by 20-30%, increase in net profit 1.5-2.0 times in comparison with traditional technologies. The results of the study showed that treatment with a biological pesticide reduces the development of brown rot on tomato. In plants treated with biological pesticides morphological indices were higher by 9.5%. Plant treatment with biologic drug increased tomato yield under cover in 2017 by 11.1-17.3%.Optimal ways of using biologies in agrotechnology of tomato cultivation under cover were confirmed. The successful development of greenhouse farming under the conditions of import substitution and production of environmentally safe products directly depends on the rates of creation and introduction into production of biological plant protection products, which reduce the use of chemicals and produce high yields.


Tomato, germination, brown rot, pesticide, biologies

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IDR: 147124513   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.2.130

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