Use of interactive technologies in the context of environmentally oriented identity formation among future specialists

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The article presents the results of interactive technologies application in classical higher education of specialist-environmentalists. The scientific interest in this topic relates to the role of active learning methods in the formation of environmentally aware person. This article examines the experience of both classroom and extracurricular activities at the Department of Ecology and Nature Management in Volgograd State University. The specificity of the application of interactive methods in mastering major disciplines was determined and their effectiveness compared to the traditional forms of training courses was proven. The article reflects the results of the study to assess the development of effectiveness of the used interactive technologies in the educational process. The use of such technologies holds a leading position not only within the university environment but is particularly important for the implementation of socially significant environmental projects in the real world...


Active teaching methods, interactive technologies, system of higher education, environmental education, region, volgograd state university, environmentally-oriented person

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IDR: 14117080

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