The use of electronic technology in insurance
Автор: Barteneva Y.V., Konontsova A.A.
Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka
Статья в выпуске: 10 (14), 2017 года.
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The launch of compulsory sales of e-policies of OSAGO from the beginning of 2017 accelerated the processes of digitalizing the insurance market. The share of companies selling polis through the site increased by in the first half of 2017, to 69%. At the same time, almost a third of insurers sell online only MTPL policies. The introduction of e-policies of MTPL also led to an explosive growth in the segment of direct insurance in the first half of 2017: more than 2.5 times, to 11 billion rubles. Without OSAGO, the segment of direct insurance for the first half of 2017 showed growth at the level of the average market - 9%. The increasing penetration of the OSAGO's electronic policies, RAEX expects (Expert RA), will contribute to a further multiple increase in the volumes of direct insurance.
Insurance, technology, telematics device, electronic policy, internet, osago
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