Application of the modified vegetable raw materials in specialized food products technology

Автор: Kosenko T.A., Novitskaya E.G., Kalenik T.K.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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The article is devoted to the actual problem of natural protein deficit elimination in the diet of spe-cialized population groups, particularly the elderly. The aim of the work was to develop a product for the elderly on the basis of the liver with a reduced content of animal proteins and the chemical com-position of the product study. A qualitative study of the amino acid composition was performed by thin layer chromatography and quantitative analysis of the amino acid composition of the amino acid ana-lyzer AAA 835 («Hitachi», Japan), weighing pate. From the resulting amino acid composition can be concluded that the limiting amino acid is arginine, the amino acid is fast, which was 34.2 %. In large amounts in the muscle tissue of a human compris-ing the branched chain amino acids are valine, iso-leucine and leucine. Amino acids are the fastest, which ranges from 114.2 to 116.4 %. High levels of BCAA say that pie can be recommended for inclu-sion in the diet is not only for the elderly, but also people whose work is associated with increased physical activity, as well as athletes. Analyzing the amino acid composition of the paste, it can be con-cluded that, the paste is rich in essential amino ac-ids and is replaceable. According to the results it can be concluded, that soybean sprouts are prom-ising materials for inclusion in compositions of pastes. Bioavailability of soy protein can enhance the digestibility of paste, the resulting product can be recommended for feeding the elderly. The high content of branched chain amino acids can be at-tributed to pasty products with high biological value.


Liver pate, soybean sprouts, amino acids, protein

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