Application of modular teaching technologies for formation of key models competencies of specialists under the conformity with qualification requirements

Автор: Khudolei Galina, Larin Sergei

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.4, 2018 года.

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The training of qualified specialists in the context of counteracting the sanctions restrictions acquires high relevance for the Russian economy and the sphere of education. The article substantiates the necessity of conformity of key professional competencies of specialists to the established composition of qualification requirements. The main goal of the article is to develop a toolkit for assessing the level of compliance of the key professional competencies of the future specialist with the composition of qualification requirements for them in a particular field. To achieve it, it is suggested to use the possibilities of modular educational technologies, which today are recognized by many specialists as one of the innovative and effective forms of organizing the educational process. As an object of research, there are opportunities for organizing the educational process on the basis of the use of modular technologies for teaching and structuring information in the analytical block of training modules. The subject of the study was the substantiation of the use of existing approaches as a mathematical tool for achieving the main goal. As a methodological base of the study, existing methods and approaches to measuring values whose values are expressed by qualitative indicators were used. It is shown that for these purposes different measurement scales can be used: quantitative (absolute, ratios, interval, etc.), qualitative (ordinal, nominal, etc.) and intermediate (most often scoring) scales. With the aid of these scales, the estimated characteristics can be reduced to a comparable form. The analysis of the existing mathematical tools is carried out and its non-compliance with the research objectives is shown. As a result of the studies, a toolkit providing, within the framework of modular learning technologies, the formation of an information-analytical model for assessing the level of compliance of the key professional competencies of a future specialist with the composition of the qualification requirements for them in a particular field is proposed.


Specialist, key competencies, qualification requirements, model formation, modular training technologies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14111896   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1198773

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