Using the perfusion computer tomography at primary malignant brain tumours

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Results of researches testify the high prevalence of glioblastomas G4 among patients reaching to 77% of total number of the examined persons. Only at 29% of patients of this group of patients noticeable post-beam changes according to KT-perfusion were defined, i.e. the pathological center didn't perfused. Our data testify that after the carried-out treatment repeated inspection by method of perfusion KT-tomography shows truly positive manifestations testifying to the undoubted growth of tumor which come to light in 55% of cases and only 16% had histological parameters of post-beam changes of different degree of expressiveness, i.e. had false positive results. The received results of brain tumors visualization by research: perfusion/permeability, rCBV and rCBV + PS testify to the increasing relevance and make an essential contribution to assessment the primary brain tumors at the time of diagnosis statement, and also when monitoring the subsequent treatment, having caused multimodal approach to increase in survival of specified profile patients.


Tumor, brain, perfusion computer tomography, survival, patient, glioblastomas

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IDR: 148102302

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