Application of artificial intelligence technology in Russia in current and present topical perspectives

Бесплатный доступ

The article defines the concepts of “artificial intelligence” and “artificial intelligence technologies” and describes the state and prospects of artificial intelligence use in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Volgograd region in particular. Prospects at the federal level are presented separately for generative and traditional artificial intelligence. Potential measures and promising steps for the development of artificial intelligence technologies in the country and its regions are emphasized. The analysis of conditions created on the territory of the Russian Federation for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies and regulatory and other documentation in the field of artificial intelligence at federal and regional levels is carried out. Artificial intelligence technologies used on the territory of the Russian Federation in the public, financial, and commercial sectors of the economy are shown, and the effects of the introduction of the presented technologies are described. The article includes an analysis of the results of major studies such as “monitoring and evaluation of the development and use of artificial intelligence in the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Russian Federation,” as well as “monitoring the development and spread of AI,” including ways to purchase products based on artificial intelligence and the main directions of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the Russian Federation. The article presents the key barriers (difficulties and risks) to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies for government and commercial structures and outlines the prospects for using artificial intelligence at both the regional and federal levels, taking into account the identified difficulties and possible risks.


Artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence technologies, introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, prospects of artificial intelligence use, federal level, regional level, public administration, commercial sector

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145197   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.1.10

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