The use of fertilizers and productivity of agricultural cultures in Krasnoyarsk region

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A variety of environment conditions in agricul-tural part of Krasnoyarsk region has a great influ-ence on the fertility of soils, forms and mobility of nutrients in them, the efficiency of mineral and or-ganic fertilizers. The use of manure in the region is the subject to big fluctuations. In 1971-1975 in soils of the arable land of the region it was brought about 1 t/hectare of manure. In the process of in-tensification of agricultural production introduction of manure in 1986-1990 increased to 2.63 t/hectare. In recent years in connection with the reduction of livestock of farm animals the dose of using manure decreased to 1.2 t/hectare, in soils the negative balance of humus was noted. For preservation and soil fertility increasing it is neces-sary to increase application volumes by using a bird's dung, grain crops straw and siderats. Mineral fertilizers play an important role in increasing the efficiency of regional agriculture. The greatest number of fertilizers was brought in the soil in 1986-1990. During this period an average dose of these fertilizers in the region made 49.6 kg/hectare. Due to the transition to market conditions of man-aging and decreasing in the level of chemicalization of agriculture in the region the reduction of cultivat-ed areas took place. Using of mineral fertilizers in agro-industrial complex of the region was several times reduced. The brought doses of fertilizers do not compensate carrying out of elements with the yield of agricultural crops. In soils deficiency of re-serves of nutrients is noted and the negative bal-ance of macro- and microcells is observed. Ration-al use of fertilizers increases productivity of crops. Their efficiency in 1971-2014 depended on the se-curity of soils with mobile forms of nutrients, the size of doses, ways of introduction and moisture security of crops. In droughty conditions the effi-ciency of fertilizers substantially decreased. The increase in volumes of mineral and organic fertiliz-ers using taking into account agrochemical proper-ties of soils will promote reproduction of fertility of regional soils, increasing productivity of crops and improvement of crop production quality.


Manure, straw, siderats, bird''s dung, fertility of soils, productivity of cultures, quality of crop production

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IDR: 14084765

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