Application of the hungarian algorithm at the decision of problems of distribution of telecommunication operational lifes for local area networks on mobile platforms

Автор: Averyanov Е.с, Kaseeva N.A., Nazarov S.N.

Журнал: Инфокоммуникационные технологии @ikt-psuti

Рубрика: Технологии телекоммуникаций

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.9, 2011 года.

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In work principles of performance of a local area network of the subscribers placed on a mobile platform, carrying out relocating with a HS on a train example (mobile hotspot (MHS)) are analyzed. The present work is devoted developments of algorithms of boosting of efficiency of performance MHS on the basis of the decision of an optimizing problem of determination of the maximum transmission capacity of system. The problem decision is offered to be broken on two subtasks: determinations of set of conformity of repeaters of a base network and antennas on a mobile platform and distributions of power of a signal transmission on links from set of conformity. The decision of the first subtask is offered to carry out on the basis of the Hungarian method, the second - a simplex-method.


A local area network on a mobile platform, set of conformity, a power vector, hungarian method, repeater, the zone dispatcher, transmission capacity of system, simplex-method

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