The use of intracutaneous test according to biologically active points for predicting cows’ delivery

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The purpose of the study was the determination of intracutaneous test efficiency on the biologically active points (BAP) for forecasting patrimonial activity in cows of black and motley breed on the farm «Gold valley» of Primorsky region. After introduction of 0,1 ml of 0,1% solution of a mezaton anemic reaction occurred: on the second minute of 1,7 cm; on the third it was 1,9; on the fourth - 1,9; on the fifth - 1,9; on the 10th - 1,8; on the 15th - 1,7 and on the 20th minute - 1,5 cm. From the received results it follows that the maximum anemia of an integument comes in 3 minutes and keeps within 3 minutes, then gradually decreases. The injection of 0.1 ml of a 0,1 % solution ofmezaton intradermal injector in the acupuncture point 32 (7 cm below the vulva), followed by watching the reaction after 3 minutes of anemic skin with cutinite, 30, 10 3 and 1 day before delivery allows to predict the pathology of calving. In cows with an anemic plot less than 3-4 cm during 2nd stage of delivery one predicts 100 % of low delivery activities and up to 30 % retention of the placenta. Veterinary professionals need to take curative measures to address the delivery pathology.


Cows, black and motley breed, active points, solution of a mezaton, delivery pathology

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IDR: 14084100

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