Principles of formation of intercultural empathy and communicative competence in teaching Russian (on the example of Chinese students)

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The skills of intercultural empathy and communicative competence are a key element of the entire system of teaching foreign languages and play a significant role in many aspects, such as the process, effect and quality of intercultural communication. Currently, the increasing intensity of intercultural communication between China and Russia is facilitated by the process of globalization, the economic development of countries and the growth of cultural language contacts. More and more Chinese students at universities, colleges and schools are choosing to study Russian. The purpose of language learning is not only to master language skills, but also to be able to use these skills for communication. Therefore, in the process of teaching Russian to Chinese students, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the development of language skills, but also to the formation of intercultural communication skills. The article shows the problems of the development of intercultural empathy and communicative competence among students of Russian-speaking specialties in China. Russian and Chinese cultural peculiarities are considered, the ignorance of which can lead to problems in communication, as well as examples of Russian and Chinese cultural realities and their linguistic equivalents are given. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the skills of intercultural empathy and communicative competence in practical work with students of Russian-speaking specialties in China in order to effectively eliminate the relevant barriers existing in intercultural communication, and thus, ultimately, it would be possible to acquire the most effective communication and communication.


Empathy, interсultural communication, teaching, the chinese language, the russian language

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149143673   |   DOI: 10.17748/2219-6048-2023-15-4-137-151

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