Principles of modeling the operational work of an energy dispatcher

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The relevance of the research topic on the analysis of distribution automation in railway power supply systems is manifested in several key aspects. First of all, railway transport is an important element of the infrastructure of many countries, providing transportation of goods and passengers over long distances. The efficient operation of the railway power supply system is critical to ensuring the safety and reliability of the entire railway infrastructure. Taking into account the constant growth of passenger traffic and cargo transportation volumes, as well as technological progress in the field of railway transport, the need for continuous improvement of power supply systems is becoming increasingly urgent, which is due not only to the need to ensure stable operation of the system with increasing loads, but also to the requirement to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs and risks of possible accidents or power outages.


Automation, power distribution, railway transport, safety, reliability, passenger traffic, cargo transportation, technological progress, energy efficiency, costs, risks, accidents, interruptions

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IDR: 170205713   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-4-91-99

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