Principles of the building American lawyer's speech in the 19th century

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The article deals with the analysis of the lawyers' speech in courts of law in the USA of the 19th century. Lawyers' eloquence is regarded as an art of persuasion. The lawyers' rhetoric is studied from different points of view. The power of the lawyers' persuasive eloquence is of great significance, as only due to the perfect knowledge of the standard language the lawyers can help their clients not to be accused of law breaking. Law is nothing else but a verbalized system of rules developed by the government to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. Rules and instructions that tell people what is allowed and what is not allowed to do require a superb mastery of language in general.


Lawyer's speech, stylistic device, persuasion and suggestion of a lawyer's speech, to persuade the audience, lawyer's eloquence, rhetorical theory, methods of persuasion, means of persuasion, rhetorical question, metaphor, standard language

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