Enforcement measures educational impact: project for change to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Автор: Barkhatova Ekaterina N.
Журнал: Вестник Восточно-Сибирского института Министерства внутренних дел России @vestnik-vsi-mvd
Рубрика: Уголовно-правовые науки (юридические науки)
Статья в выпуске: 1 (104), 2023 года.
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Introduction: the article considers the issue of effectiveness of coercive measures of educational influence at the present stage of development of criminal law and in the conditions of criminal policy conducted by the state; analyzes statistical data; studies the current version of criminal law provisions regulating coercive measures of educational influence applied to minors. Materials and Methods: the normative basis of the study is formed by Constitution of the Russian Federation, criminal, criminal procedure and penitentiary legislation, local regulations governing the application and execution of compulsory measures of educational influence on minors who have committed crimes, materials of judicial practice, statistical data. The methodological basis of the study was the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, which is universal in nature, as well as the methods of logical deduction, induction, cognitive methods and techniques of observation, comparison, analysis, generalization and description. The Results of the Study: made it possible to adjust the measures of modern criminal law impact on minors who have committed crimes and are exempted from criminal liability or punishment, and to develop a draft amendment to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Findings and Conclusions: the analysis of the effectiveness of modern coercive measures of educational influence and cases of actual recidivism of juvenile crimes, to which such measures were applied earlier, made it possible to form a new approach to the institution of criminal law under study.
Minors, educational impact, coercion, correction, release from punishment, effectiveness of criminal policy, criminal liability
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143179805
IDR: 143179805 | DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2023.12.82.010