University ranking priority - global or national?

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The article presents the results of independent audit of peculiar features of Russian university rankings formation and efficacy. It is mentioned that modern Russian universities have different efficacy of functioning. Global ratings do not provide full scale comparative evaluation of all Russian universities. The article describes possible reasons behind such functioning of global rankings. It is shown that in order to improve Russian universities' efficacy we need to develop and apply Russian (national) rankings that are acknowledged by the international community. National rankings in Russia would be supported by governmental, public and private organizations: Ministry of Education and Culture, different agencies, Mass Media, public unions and private companies. The article contains threshold values for evaluating Russian universities efficacy, as well as comparison of Russian mining and geological universities performance indicators. The article demonstrates the influence of national ratings on different aspects of Russian universities' activities.


Global and national rankings, universities, performance indicators, monitoring, efficacy, objective evaluation

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IDR: 142140246

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