Priorities of state policy in the context of the development and modernization of criminalistic methods of crime investigation

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The problem of improving existing and formation of new forensic methods of crime investigation is being actualized in the article. They need to be created and/or modernized taking into account the priorities of state policy set out in the governing documents, such as the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and others. Using the example of the provisions from the first document, four strategic priorities in the fight against crimes such as embezzlement of budget funds and corruption encroachments are noted. Accordingly, four types of priority recommendations are proposed, which must be implemented in the relevant forensic techniques and practice of law enforcement agencies. They are: 1) on the priority of preventing crimes, and not only combating them, 2) on the need to identify aggregates of socially dangerous acts, since embezzlement is often accompanied by criminal corruption, 3) on the priority of preventing and combating crimes committed during the implementation of national projects and state defense orders, 4) on the priority of compensation for damage in criminal cases, timely arrest of criminal assets.


Methodology of forensic techniques, priorities of state policy, effectiveness of investigation, embezzlement of budget funds, corruption crimes, principles of investigation, directions of investigation, protection of entrepreneurs, illegal criminal prosecution


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IDR: 140304509

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