Problem of the harmonious development of material and spiritual culture in China
Автор: Balchindorzhieva O.B.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.
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The author considers the problem of harmonious development of material and spiritual culture through the prism of the deepest contradictions of modern Chinese society. In general, these contradictions have received growing attention from many sinologists. However, in this article, we touch upon the less studied issue, concerning the trends in development of spiritual culture of modern Chinese society, as well as the relevant problems of human advancement, power and abilities. Without the solution of these problems, it seems impossible to achieve social justice, to construct a harmonious society and to transit to an ecological civilization. The author comes to the conclusion that the above-mentioned circumstances form the basis of the Chinese dream.
China, society, harmony, development, chinese dream, social justice, civilization, ecology, traditions, spirituality
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