Underexplored northern regions of Lena-Tungussky petroleum province: vision of petroleum potential
Автор: Sobolev P.N., Migurskii F.A., Akimova Z.Z., Gorlov D.A.
Журнал: Геология нефти и газа.
Рубрика: Перспективы нефтегазоносности и результаты ГРР
Статья в выпуске: 5, 2023 года.
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Against the commercial oil and gas pool discovery in pre-Cambrian formations of western Siberian Platform (Yurubcheno-Tokhomsky, Kuyumbinsky, Sobinsky-Paiginsky fields, etc.), Riphean deposits in the sedimentary cover have a considerable scale of occurrence. This fact dictates consideration of common regional problem of petroleum potential of underexplored although highly valued for more than half a century north-western and northern petroleum districts, mainly in the context of studies of kitchen areas, including those Riphean. Their petroleum potential may be to a large extent related to the kitchen (kitchens) associated with the eastern shoulder of the buried Angaro-Kotuisky trough. The pattern of Riphean oil and gas source formation distribution, their persistence, and changes in generation properties are still underexplored. There is a need for creation of actual geological model of the study area structure and reconstruction of main events of oil and gas accumulation. With the purpose of planning regional geological exploration activities in underexplored areas of Lena-Tungussky Petroleum Province, it is necessary to clearly depict the existing problem of quantitative resource assessment of the territory. To solve this problem, reconstruction of oil and gas-related deposition and migration processes, which is based in building geological model of the study area, is required
Angaro-kotuisky trough, anabarsky shield, kureisky syneclise, katangsky saddle, ayansky series, bereisky series, ust'-il'insky formation
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14131648
IDR: 14131648 | DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2023-5-43-52