Issues of children's and teenagers suicidal behaviour overcoming by means of family upbringing in the pedagogical heritage of V.V. Povorotinskaya and K.V. Yelnitsky

Автор: Gritsai Ludmila

Журнал: Грани познания @grani-vspu

Рубрика: Педагогические науки и психология

Статья в выпуске: 2 (16), 2012 года.

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There are covered the reasons for childrens and teenagers suicidal behaviour, as well as the ways of overcoming them by means of family upbringing. There are considered the works of the teachers of the turn of XIX-XX centuries V.V. Povorotinskaya and K.V. Yelnitsky dealing with this issue.

Family upbringing, suicidal behaviour, juvenile age

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IDR: 14821721

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