Representativeness problem in the state varieties testing system, productivity and parameters of ecological plasticity and stability of oats varieties

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In the study the ways of varieties assessment improvement, increases of their representativeness in the system of the state varieties testing are con-sidered, and also the characteristic productivity and parameters of adaptability on the basis of results of their test in the conditions of northern forest-steppe zone of Tyumen region for 2013-2015 are provid-ed. Research objective was the assessment productivity and parameters of adaptability of oats varieties on the basis of the results of their competi-tive test in the conditions of Northern Zauralye. Dur-ing the research the following problems were solved: studying of average productivity of oats va-rieties in points of their test, index of conditions of the environment, variability of productivity, plastici-ty, stability and general adaptive ability. The index of conditions of the environment and plasticity of oats varieties were determined by the technique of S.A. Eberhart, W.A. Russell and the variability of productivity was determined by B.A. Dospekhov's technique. The index of stability of varieties and their general adaptive ability were determined re-spectively by V.V. Hangildin and A.V. Kilchevsky, L.V. Hotyleva's technique. The considerable varia-tion of index of conditions of the environment and also discrepancy of ranks of varieties in the size of their productivity which testify of specifies with strong genotype, i.e. environmental interaction. The variety Otrada, allowed to use, was characterized by the greatest average productivity for years of research, and also its smallest variability (respec-tively 4.84 t/hectare and 29.5 %). Three groups of varieties on regression coefficient size were allo-cated: poorly responsiveness on change of condi-tions (bi1 - Symphony). In general varieties were characterized by low value of an in-dex of stability. The variety Otrada (IS=16.38) was the best on this indicator. The varieties Otrada (OAC=0.26) and Foma (OAC=0.15) were allocated in the size of the general adaptive ability. The varie-ty Foma was recognized as the best one in the conditions of northern forest-steppe zone on the basis of complex assessment on productivity and parameters of adaptability.


Oats, variety, productivity, variability of productivity, plasticity, stability, adaptability

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IDR: 14084511

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