The problem of social functions of the modern state: philosophical analysis

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Russian and foreign scientists are increasingly turning to the concept of the social state, its problems and prospects of existence. There are grounds for believing that in addressing issues related to the future of the welfare state and problems of its development, philosophical thought should contribute among others. Scientists set the task of describing and explaining significant changes in the role of the modern state in the management of public affairs (especially in the social sphere). This problem is solved by researchers from different, sometimes opposite, theoretical and methodological positions. Based on the modern scientific theory of the historical process, the paper studies the problem of the implementation of social functions by modern states. It attempts to identify the anthropological foundations of the state and its social function in terms of the philosophical concept of human nature. The author gives his own definition of the social function of the state, which is presented in a wide and narrow sense. The paper proves the idea that the problem of social functions of modern states is a consequence of the crisis of the anthropological foundations of the modern human civilization. The crisis of the homo economicus determines the revision and subsequent optimization of the social obligations of the modern state, the reduction of its social functions. The poverty of the working population, its aging and debt load, job cuts due to the introduction of automated production, deep class differentiation, and other manifestations of this crisis require new approaches to managing the affairs of society. «Departure» of the state from the social sphere inevitably leads to the increased religiosity in society, enhanced role of major international corporations that have a significant potential for the replacement of the state’s social functions. The paper provides basic recommendations and suggests the main ways to overcome the anthropological crisis in modern Russia.


State, social function, neoliberalism, human, crisis, homo economicus, malthusianism, social darwinism, capitalism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147227489   |   DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2019-1-44-54

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