Problematic aspects of the sale of the debtor's seized property

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The institution of foreclosure on the debtor's property and its subsequent implementation is a fairly new institution that is designed to regulate relations arising in the work of a bailiff. Insufficient research of the above-mentioned institution developing over time gives rise to a number of problems existing in legislation. We believe that they need to be investigated more deeply in order to subsequently find and eliminate all problematic aspects that complicate the process of selling the debtor's seized property by making appropriate changes to Russian legislation. The elimination of such problems, as we believe, will lead to the speedy sale of the debtor's property at the actual price of such property, followed by repayment by the debtor of the debt to his creditors with the help of funds raised from the sale of his property.


Bankrupt debtor, seized property, public auction, property sale procedure, real estate, specialized organization, commission sale, bankruptcy estate, bankrupt companies

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IDR: 170192961

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