Problems of education and upbringing of youth

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Will the young generation be able to carry the burden of responsibility that the life prepares for them on their shoulders? It is this question - the question of urgency of the problem of education and upbringing of young people in modern society is put in this article. This article discusses the problem of fathers and children, the problem of forming behavioral youth culture, the problem of depletion of speech culture and irresponsible attitude of young people towards their health. The author comes to the conclusion that superficial approach to these issues will lead to the inevitable "catastrophe" and that only consistent and comprehensive work can lead to positive results.


Youth, actual problem, education, vocabulary, healthy lifestyle solution

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140269715

Список литературы Problems of education and upbringing of youth

  • Volkov Y.G., Sociology of Youth: Textbook - Rostov-N / A.: Phoenix, 2001.
  • Kovalev A.I., Bows VA Sociology of Youth. Theoretical questions. M.: Social, 1999.
  • Zemskaya E.A., Modern Russian language. Word formation: textbook. M.: Flint, Nauka, 2006
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